Proof that air pollutant removal experiment is fact. Experimental data of very many pollen removal scattered in the sky.
Experiment Date: March 12-March 15, 2019 Japan domestic in the middle southern part of Kanto JMA Public Data use. The removal rate is about 35% achieved. There is a variation by the region and the date and time. It is divided into four phases of the pollen scattering amount calculation standard.
〇 Very any(非常に多い) More than 50 pollen counts per square centimeter per day.
〇 Many(多い)The pollen count per square centimeter per day 30~50 pieces.
〇 Somewhat more (やや多い) The pollen count per square centimeter per day10~30 pieces.
〇 few(少ない) Less than 10 pollen counts per square centimeter per day.
Measured at the peak time of cedar pollen scattering. This year’s pollen volume was two or seven times higher than last year.
2019年3月12日の夜10時 実験始
10 at the start of the experiment the night of the 2019 March 12
Pollen count forecast of 12 days PM18:00 announcement.
Pollen count forecast of 12 days
Pollen amount was rather less because 12 days was rainfall until morning.
You can see that you have reduced the amount of scattered of the day than the previous day’s forecast.
15日の花粉飛散量は異常に多かった。 例えば、1㎠ 当たり100個とすると50%除去しても50個となり非常に多いいとなる
Pollen amount of 15 days was unusually many. For example, a very larg have become 50 be 50 %removal when the 100 pieces per ㎠.