Air pollution removal experiment


Experiment of air pollution removal systems throughtout East Asia over the entire. March 18, 2019 We achieved 35% air pollution removal rate.

Used the distribution data of PM2.5 of the Japan Meteorological Agency announced. Air pollution situation is constantly changing easily changes depending on the environment, and it changes by the season, the wind, the rainfall, the temperature, and the weekends and holidays etc. as a main factor. It is an urban area, an industrial area, and an oil field as a source. There are nine oil fields in China. In this time experiment, as it corresponded while confirming the effect in various trial and error,   there were the date of effect came out or the date of effect was not out, there was a variation in the result. There are times when it is difficult to determine. As a means to confirm that the effect of the experiment is true, it can be confirmed by the experiment data of the amount of cedar scatting pollen removal in Japan after this experiment is completed.

As a method of increasing more than for the futuristic to removal 35% rate in experimental, the air pollution inflow measures from neighboring countries. Confirmation of the large amount of source, and analysis of the ingredient, and efficient management and operation from continuity of the effect, etc. If there effectively use with AI. I think that the removal rate can be given raise more than 10 percent.

Air pollution in Southeast Asia and the western countries of China is depending on the wind direction are flowing into China and the removal rate will go up more if the neighboring country is to be removed. In addition, if the problem of the ozone hole is solved (in a very short time) by us, the removal rate will be improved. The total amount of damage caused by the natural disasters of the last year is also estimated that 25 trillion yen. This year early is the largest of the cyclone were stricken in the southern hemisphere of Africa, and drought has continued in some areas of the southeastern part of Australia. Similar global catastrophe must be reduced in the future. In order to do so, it is an absolute condition to solve the problem of the ozone hole. We can solve the problem of the ozone hole in a very short time. Success rate is 95 percent.

There is no danger when it comes to the safety of this method. It reacts only to the component which is the air pollutant. The sky is the main. The building, the human body, the animal, the living thing, the plant, the airplane, the car, and the train are made to take a moderate distance and to react. Data at the start: During the experiment is the operation at the Japan. We used PM2.5 of the JMA announcement on Japan, and we used PM2.5 app data on the sky of China. The time difference between Japan and China 1 hour. The rain that falls in Japan at time of this experiment every year (sometimes snow) is rain clouds from China by the westerly wind into the Pacific side of Japan. At the Sea of Japan side, it brings snow cloud (rain cloud) from the north-northwest side.

The oxidation action by fossil fuel combustion reduces the amount of water vapor in the air, reduces rainfall, become susceptible drought, and sometimes causes a large flood, but our systems will get to bring near normally rainfall. It will be back return by the reduction reaction. At the beginning of the experiment, in northern Japan, there was a snowfall due to the clouds from the north-northwest, but there was very little rainfall on western and Pacific sides. Given the fact that rain clouds on the Pacific side come from China to Japan, at the start of the experiment, the amount of rainfall in China we thought consider very small.

In order to reduce air pollution in Japan, it is necessary to reduce air pollution in China, so that, if analyzed the air pollution situation in China, that saw overall and turn right rotation. When it reaches a certain concentration, or so that it was blowing into a strong wind, it is pushed out to the sea in the east to pull look the tail, and some pollution mass is sometimes flow to the Korean peninsula. And there come too to Japan. The air pollution concentration in the Korea has become heightened problem, and it is said that many come from China, but the air pollutants have flowed from Mongolia to China, and from the Viet Nam, Bangladesh, and from Myanmar to China to go over mountains.

Start experiment


January 21,2019 12 at the time of PM2.5 removal of the start of the experiment in Japan in the kanto region.


Forecast Figure of 12 at 24 hours after the measurement of 21 days.

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22日12時の実際図   除去成功

After 24 hours had been predicted at 12 o’clock on the 21st.
Actual figure of 22 o’clock at 12 o’clock. Removal success.

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Forecast Figure of 12 at 48 hours after the measurement of 21 days.

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除去50%成功 Removing 50 % success.

PM2.5の除去範囲を拡大  Expand scope of PM2.5

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この画像には alt 属性が指定されておらず、ファイル名は image-9.png です


Start another the app of PM2.5. Removal rang at this point is Japan. And I just started to Qingdao and Shanghai between and the West 500 km as the removal of China.

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この画像には alt 属性が指定されておらず、ファイル名は image-11.png です


The stage of expanding the removal range throughout China.

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この画像には alt 属性が指定されておらず、ファイル名は image-13.png です


Stage has a removal area in East Asia.

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2月17日(日)実験終了 The end of the experiment on Sunday February 17.

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この画像には alt 属性が指定されておらず、ファイル名は image-17.png です

春になると降雨日が増えるので、実験の正確性を欠きます Since the rain date increases in spring and lacks the accuracy of the experiment.

降雨日が増えるとPM2.5は濃度が薄くなる傾向があります When the rain date is increased PM2.5 tend to concentration is reduced.

風が強いとPM2.5は中国では東の海岸へ大きく押し出される場合が多いい There are many cases, the wind is strong and PM2.5 is to be pushed out greatly to the sea side of the east in China.

実験終了より日数が経った状態 。 この日以降降雨日が増え大気汚染濃度の薄い日がそれなりにあります

Days passed from the end of the experiment
After this day, the rainfall day has increased and there are days with low concentration.

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この画像には alt 属性が指定されておらず、ファイル名は image-19.png です
