From the forecast of rain on Sep. 18, 2019, the forecast of PM 20:59 on the night of 17th the day before.
September 17, 2019 Start of experiment at 9:00 PM.(2019. 09. 18. の雨の予報より、前日の17日の夜 PM 20:59の天気予報。2019. 09. 17日PM 9:00 に実験開始。)
Weather forecast for 16: PM 20:58 on the 16th of Chiba Prefecture, which was seriously damaged. It will be fine on the 17th, but it
2019.09.17. Weather forecast in the morning of the 18th at 17:17 PM.(2019. 09. 17日のPM 20:55 における 18日の天気予報。)
Actual rain situation and afternoon forecast at 8:22 am on the 18th.(18日のAM8:22の実際の降雨状況と午後の予報。)
Rainy forecast in the afternoon.(午後は雨の予報。)
Actual rain situation at 18:14 PM on the 18th.(18日のPM18:14の実際の降雨状況。)
It was light rain in the afternoon. (実際の午後は小雨でした。)
2019. 09. During the three-day holiday from 21 to 23, the Japan Meteorological Agency called for measures against rain in the affected area due to Typhoon 17, although the location was far away.(2019. 09. 21~23日の三連休に、場所は離れているが台風17号による被災地への降雨対策を気象庁が呼び掛けていた。)
PM 9:00 experiment started on the night of 09.20.(09.20日の夜、PM 9:00 実験開始。)
On 09.21, it was cloudy in the daytime.(09.21日は、昼間は曇りになった。)
On 09.21, it was sunny and cloudy.
The actual weather map on 29th.(29日の実際の天気図。)